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This scholarship seeks to reward aspiring Ambassadors for Honor Society who are also interested in building their public relations/social media skills. This scholarship is heavily focused on people who are working on becoming more entrenched in the Honor Society experience, as well as someone who can positively and efficiently represent the organization. Each post submitted for consideration must have the Honor Society social media account (or accounts, depending on the platforms used) tagged. All those considered for this scholarship must post consistently every week and will be ranked on topics such as relevance, creativity, commitment, and providing a unique viewpoint. To be considered for the scholarship, please submit an application by filling out the form below.

Member must complete their Honor Society profile, and upload a headshot to their profile.

Explain in under 500 words how your experience with social media would help you become more marketable to a potential employer and or starting your own business. Clearly identify how it will benefit you (For example Instagram, Tik Tok, Snap Chat may help you if you are interested in STEM, Education, the Arts etc. Also explain why you think you should be granted the Social Media Scholarship.
Share the links to your personal social media channels accounts: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and/or Twitter etc). If you help run any other social media accounts for school, company, organization, you can include that as well. Please include your role in those channels and or any applicable descriptions of your channels.
Unofficial transcript ok to apply. Recipient will be asked to submit official transcript before scholarship disbursement