Resume Boosters!
Feb 10,2016
Spring break is a time full of opportunities; opportunities for relaxation, spending time with family and friends, and getting away from school. It is also a perfect time to work on your resume ! Building your resume is essential for graduate school, or for your dream job after you place your tassel to the other side of your graduation cap. You may be wanting to use spring break to build up your resume, but you might not know how. I thought that for today’s article I would give my ideas for what you can do to build your resume during spring break.
1. Try to find an internship. An internship, while most of the time not paid, is a wonderful opportunity to learn things about your future career. I currently have an internship with a law firm in my home town and I absolutely love it! They have me doing legal research, writing case briefs, going to court to help out, basically everything that I will be doing in my future career as a lawyer. I received this internship by finding law firms that I was interested in and sending my resume, along with a cover letter saying why I want to intern with them along with my strengths and talents. I would recommend starting with this if you do not have quick access to internships.
2. Find a part-time job. A part time job can be beneficial for several reasons. One major reason is you can get paid (something that interests a lot of college students). Besides money, a part-time job can give you potential leadership skills, communication skills, and real-world experience, among other skills. Even though a part-time job might not seem glamorous, it will show a potential employer or admission committee that you were not afraid to get your hands dirty.
3. Go on an alternative spring break. Many college campuses offer alternative spring break trips where you go to an area and do several community service type of events, as well as sight-seeing opportunities. These alternative spring break trips are perfect opportunities to travel the world, as well as helping mankind while getting to know some new friends. I would highly encourage you to look into alternative spring break on your campus or see if there are programs that you can attend that have the same effect. Many churches also offer mission trips, if you are affiliated with a church that would also have this same effect.
I hope that this article has inspired you to go out and find something to do during spring break that will build your resume. Do whatever will interest you while also ensuring that your resume will look amazing to potential employers or admission committees. Whether this be a part time job, an internship, or alternative spring break, do your best at this position and you might even get a full time opportunity after school! Let me know if you have taken this advice and what you will be doing during spring break! Thanks for reading!