Fangirling Over Fangirl!

Mar 02,2016

I am an avid reader; whenever I get Amazon gift cards (like I did for my birthday), 50% or more of my purchases will be books.  I have always loved to read, as I have stated many times before.  By second grade, I was at a sixth grade reading level.  This was because I loved reading!!!  I even won a “special” reading award in second grade (this teacher really inspired my love of reading).  All of this is not to brag, not by any means.  All of this is to show how much I love reading!  I read Eleanor and Park from Rainbow Rowell last year and it was a really great book!  So, when I found Fangirl, I decided to pick it up, as I am a fangirl (Amazing Phil and Danisnotonfire anyone?!?  Please tell me I’m not alone!)  What I thought was going to be a quick and easy read turned into one that I really related to and I found myself not wanting to read too much of it in order not to finish it so I could continue living in the world!  For today’s post, I decided to share my love of Fangirl and hopefully inspire you to read it for yourself!


1.  I related to the main character.  Cath is a character after my own heart!  When I read her description, it scared me a little because she was so much like me (even though I did go to the cafeteria every morning for breakfast, and I wish I had a roommate like Reagan, and I haven’t written any fanfiction).  Cath was a character that when something happened to her, it also happened to me.  Her description of her relationship with her mom is almost like the relationship with my dad (although we do have a better relationship.  We do talk and go out to eat).  Cath is a character that I will carry with me forever. 


2.  The author continued the fanfiction world.  Cath in the book writes fanfiction for a book and movie series named Simon Snow that sounds like a mixture of Harry Potter and Twilight.  Rainbow Rowell also has little “snippets” of the book and Catch’s fanfiction at the end of every chapter.  I was so excited to find out that Carry On! (the name of Catch’s fanfiction) will continue Simon Snow’s story (yes I already bought a copy from Amazon and am patiently….er….impatiently waiting for it).  I am sure that you will be seeing a review of Carry On! coming soon!


I hope that this has inspired you to pick up Fangirl and try it for yourself!  It is an amazing book, and I am so excited to read Carry On! as it continues the story (somewhat!) so I can continue to live in the Fangirl world!  Let me know if you have read this book or Eleanor and Park and what you thought of them!  Also let me know if you fangirl over anyone (it’s okay, we all do)!  Thank you so much for reading this article; I hope you fangirl over it! 

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Fangirling Over Fangirl!

 Fangirling Over Fangirl!

Fangirling Over Fangirl!

Fangirling Over Fangirl!

I am an avid reader; whenever I get Amazon gift cards (like I did for my birthday), 50% or more of my purchases will be books.  I have always loved to read, as I have stated many times before.  By second grade, I was at a sixth grade reading level.  This was because I loved reading!!!  I even won a “special” reading award in second grade (this teacher really inspired my love of reading).  All of this is not to brag, not by any means.  All of this is to show how much I love reading!  I read Eleanor and Park from Rainbow Rowell last year and it was a really great book!  So, when I found Fangirl, I decided to pick it up, as I am a fangirl (Amazing Phil and Danisnotonfire anyone?!?  Please tell me I’m not alone!)  What I thought was going to be a quick and easy read turned into one that I really related to and I found myself not wanting to read too much of it in order not to finish it so I could continue living in the world!  For today’s post, I decided to share my love of Fangirl and hopefully inspire you to read it for yourself!


1.  I related to the main character.  Cath is a character after my own heart!  When I read her description, it scared me a little because she was so much like me (even though I did go to the cafeteria every morning for breakfast, and I wish I had a roommate like Reagan, and I haven’t written any fanfiction).  Cath was a character that when something happened to her, it also happened to me.  Her description of her relationship with her mom is almost like the relationship with my dad (although we do have a better relationship.  We do talk and go out to eat).  Cath is a character that I will carry with me forever. 


2.  The author continued the fanfiction world.  Cath in the book writes fanfiction for a book and movie series named Simon Snow that sounds like a mixture of Harry Potter and Twilight.  Rainbow Rowell also has little “snippets” of the book and Catch’s fanfiction at the end of every chapter.  I was so excited to find out that Carry On! (the name of Catch’s fanfiction) will continue Simon Snow’s story (yes I already bought a copy from Amazon and am patiently….er….impatiently waiting for it).  I am sure that you will be seeing a review of Carry On! coming soon!


I hope that this has inspired you to pick up Fangirl and try it for yourself!  It is an amazing book, and I am so excited to read Carry On! as it continues the story (somewhat!) so I can continue to live in the Fangirl world!  Let me know if you have read this book or Eleanor and Park and what you thought of them!  Also let me know if you fangirl over anyone (it’s okay, we all do)!  Thank you so much for reading this article; I hope you fangirl over it!