Top Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay for College

Aug 31,2023

Colleges have become more transparent about the application process. One item at the top of the list is the college essay.

It's your bridge to winning that sought-after college offer.

And it's more than a writing assignment; it's a sales pitch for the academic world. It gives colleges a window into who you are and why you're an exceptional candidate.

In this guide, we'll explore some ways you can stand out and showcase yourself as a superstar applicant, so keep reading.

Focus on a Narrative

You don't want your essay to come across as dry and dull. Instead, engage the reader by structuring it as a narrative. It will help your application essay come across as authentic and individual.

The most compelling essays often have a central theme about genuine experiences or reflections, and these perform well as narratives.

A heartfelt story can express the most honest version of yourself instead of trying to be something you expect the college desires. 

Narratives act like stories in a novel in that they have struggles, triumphs, and lessons. Consider what turning points and peaks you'll have in your story.

Remember, the best narrative is about the real but imperfect version of you, not a fake but perfect one.

Consider Your Voice in Essay Writing

Your voice in a written essay should be as unique as speaking in person. All writers have a unique voice, so allow yours to shine.

A good tip is to use a speech-to-text writing tool and test it with one paragraph about who you are. Once you've done that, read it and see if you can spot unique characteristics in your voice.

That's what you want to achieve with your writing. A good voice skips cliches and doesn't attempt to imitate others. It also places content first, creating depth in your essay rather than empty phrases.

Use Emotion to Your Advantage

Don't be afraid to show emotion in your essay. It will make your writing more memorable and help build a connection with your reader.

To write from the heart, you must delve deep into your past and how you felt during these experiences. If you have old diaries, they might help with that.

Use descriptive language when using emotional writing in your essay.

Write about a range of emotions too.

Negative emotions like anger are part of the human experience, so don't be afraid to include these alongside more positive emotions. 

Nevertheless, keeping the college essay tone aligned with your central theme and objective is vital. Don't allow emotive writing to sidetrack you from the main points you want to express. 

Demonstrate Personal Growth

Mentioning valuable experiences like leadership roles is important.

Yet admissions teams want to know more than your accomplishments. They want to see whether you can grow. So make sure you reflect this in your essay.

Life challenges will inspire here. Think about areas of your academic or personal life that you found difficult. Or an aspect of your hobbies and extracurricular activities that you found hard.

These challenges are how most of us develop our character and our strengths. So think through your life to find the best examples of when a hurdle pushed you to grow as a person.

It should show resilience, adaptability, and confidence.

Go beyond talking about the challenge, and focus on what you did to overcome the problem.

Give examples of how you demonstrated specific skills. Talk about why that challenge helped you to grow.

You should also show your willingness to learn in these scenarios. Explain why you welcomed feedback and how you used that to improve yourself.

Grab Attention at the Start

The introduction of your essay is your chance to make a first impression. It should grab attention, set the stage, and show you've put time and effort into creating the best essay.

You could captivate by using a thought-provoking anecdote. A quote works well, but only if you can use it to make an original point.

You could try a question at the beginning.

Be vivid in your writing here because you want to paint a picture in your readers' minds. It will guide the rest of your narrative.

The introduction should make the central thesis of your essay clear so the reader knows what to expect.

Use a bit of intrigue too. It's a tried and tested way of getting people to pay more attention to your writing.

Pay Attention to the Structure

An essay should guide the reader with some signposts along the way.

You can achieve that by planning a logical structure for your essay before you start writing. It should lead your audience toward a powerful conclusion.

Begin with some notes. Start those notes with a statement about your central theme. Use that to jot down ideas that will support that theme.

Once you've done this, restructure those ideas so there is a logical flow.

As you begin writing, make sure there is a seamless link from one idea to the next without the essay appearing disjointed.

Consider using your conclusion to tie these points into one powerful argument.

Always think about how the essay will come across from your reader's point of view. While a structure might seem logical to you as the writer, ask yourself if readers will experience that logic in the same way.

Avoid Some Common Mistakes

In this section, we'll outline some common mistakes in college essays. Avoid these to ensure excellence in your writing throughout.

Avoid Vagueness

Be careful about using broad statements that come across as vagueness.

It will make your essay sound like many others and hinder your chance of making a connection. Instead, ensure each part of your essay is precise and full of personality.

Not Reading the Prompt

When you get an essay prompt, it's tempting to start answering the question you want to answer rather than the specific one provided.

When that happens, you risk leaving the question untouched, hurting your application process. The best way to avoid this is to keep referring to the question as you begin writing.


We use cliches so much in everyday language that it's natural for some to enter your essay.

When that happens, try and find a way to rewrite the content and put an original spin on your point. It may help you craft some of the most creative sentences in your essay.

Trying to Impress

Often, our default position is to try and impress - whether that's an interview, an essay, or a first date.

But there is a reason people always tell you to be yourself. Genuine expressions in an essay will strengthen your work. It's often noticeable when writers attempt to use an essay to overstate their accomplishments.


Always proofread your work. There are lots of online grammar checkers that can help you with this. You should also do a manual proofread.

You Miss a Conclusion

You may become so engrossed in your essay that you forget to wrap up with a conclusion. An essay needs a start and a finish, and those final words must end with a punch.

Use that last paragraph to say something memorable so your words remain in the reader's mind.

Spend Time on the Revision Process

When you've put your heart into writing a fantastic essay, it's tempting to leave it alone. Yet, like any great novel, it takes the ruthless mindset of an editor to make that essay perfect.

Revising your work will polish your writing. You need to check the structure and ask whether your argument is coherent.

Always read your essay out loud to ensure the writing flows. Remove unnecessary sentences.

Finally, get feedback from those you trust. That could be your favorite teacher, a parent, or a friend. Ask someone who can provide an honest opinion and constructive criticism.

Other Ways to Get Noticed

Don't forget that you are competing against many other talented peers. Always ask yourself: how can I make this essay stand apart from everything else?

One option is to talk about unique projects you've undertaken. You may have something you've done that's highly unusual.

Use that to your advantage by including it in your essay.

You could try using alternative storytelling techniques. A non-linear timeline can be exceptionally effective when it's done well. Writing from an unexpected angle is also helpful in making your writing stand out.

A sense of humor is also a brave addition with high rewards if you get it right. You'll need to show true rare wit and originality if you choose that route. But it will certainly help your essay be more memorable.  

Writing the Best College Essay

A college essay presents you with a life-changing opportunity. Remember this as you begin writing, and use the tips in this guide to help get it right.

The most important lesson to remember is to write in your genuine voice and let your strengths and personality shine.

By joining the Honor Society, you can further improve your chances of achieving that academic dream. Find out more about what our organization can offer to you. 

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Top Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay for College

 Top Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay for College

Top Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay for College

Top Tips for Writing an Effective Application Essay for College

Colleges have become more transparent about the application process. One item at the top of the list is the college essay.

It's your bridge to winning that sought-after college offer.

And it's more than a writing assignment; it's a sales pitch for the academic world. It gives colleges a window into who you are and why you're an exceptional candidate.

In this guide, we'll explore some ways you can stand out and showcase yourself as a superstar applicant, so keep reading.

Focus on a Narrative

You don't want your essay to come across as dry and dull. Instead, engage the reader by structuring it as a narrative. It will help your application essay come across as authentic and individual.

The most compelling essays often have a central theme about genuine experiences or reflections, and these perform well as narratives.

A heartfelt story can express the most honest version of yourself instead of trying to be something you expect the college desires. 

Narratives act like stories in a novel in that they have struggles, triumphs, and lessons. Consider what turning points and peaks you'll have in your story.

Remember, the best narrative is about the real but imperfect version of you, not a fake but perfect one.

Consider Your Voice in Essay Writing

Your voice in a written essay should be as unique as speaking in person. All writers have a unique voice, so allow yours to shine.

A good tip is to use a speech-to-text writing tool and test it with one paragraph about who you are. Once you've done that, read it and see if you can spot unique characteristics in your voice.

That's what you want to achieve with your writing. A good voice skips cliches and doesn't attempt to imitate others. It also places content first, creating depth in your essay rather than empty phrases.

Use Emotion to Your Advantage

Don't be afraid to show emotion in your essay. It will make your writing more memorable and help build a connection with your reader.

To write from the heart, you must delve deep into your past and how you felt during these experiences. If you have old diaries, they might help with that.

Use descriptive language when using emotional writing in your essay.

Write about a range of emotions too.

Negative emotions like anger are part of the human experience, so don't be afraid to include these alongside more positive emotions. 

Nevertheless, keeping the college essay tone aligned with your central theme and objective is vital. Don't allow emotive writing to sidetrack you from the main points you want to express. 

Demonstrate Personal Growth

Mentioning valuable experiences like leadership roles is important.

Yet admissions teams want to know more than your accomplishments. They want to see whether you can grow. So make sure you reflect this in your essay.

Life challenges will inspire here. Think about areas of your academic or personal life that you found difficult. Or an aspect of your hobbies and extracurricular activities that you found hard.

These challenges are how most of us develop our character and our strengths. So think through your life to find the best examples of when a hurdle pushed you to grow as a person.

It should show resilience, adaptability, and confidence.

Go beyond talking about the challenge, and focus on what you did to overcome the problem.

Give examples of how you demonstrated specific skills. Talk about why that challenge helped you to grow.

You should also show your willingness to learn in these scenarios. Explain why you welcomed feedback and how you used that to improve yourself.

Grab Attention at the Start

The introduction of your essay is your chance to make a first impression. It should grab attention, set the stage, and show you've put time and effort into creating the best essay.

You could captivate by using a thought-provoking anecdote. A quote works well, but only if you can use it to make an original point.

You could try a question at the beginning.

Be vivid in your writing here because you want to paint a picture in your readers' minds. It will guide the rest of your narrative.

The introduction should make the central thesis of your essay clear so the reader knows what to expect.

Use a bit of intrigue too. It's a tried and tested way of getting people to pay more attention to your writing.

Pay Attention to the Structure

An essay should guide the reader with some signposts along the way.

You can achieve that by planning a logical structure for your essay before you start writing. It should lead your audience toward a powerful conclusion.

Begin with some notes. Start those notes with a statement about your central theme. Use that to jot down ideas that will support that theme.

Once you've done this, restructure those ideas so there is a logical flow.

As you begin writing, make sure there is a seamless link from one idea to the next without the essay appearing disjointed.

Consider using your conclusion to tie these points into one powerful argument.

Always think about how the essay will come across from your reader's point of view. While a structure might seem logical to you as the writer, ask yourself if readers will experience that logic in the same way.

Avoid Some Common Mistakes

In this section, we'll outline some common mistakes in college essays. Avoid these to ensure excellence in your writing throughout.

Avoid Vagueness

Be careful about using broad statements that come across as vagueness.

It will make your essay sound like many others and hinder your chance of making a connection. Instead, ensure each part of your essay is precise and full of personality.

Not Reading the Prompt

When you get an essay prompt, it's tempting to start answering the question you want to answer rather than the specific one provided.

When that happens, you risk leaving the question untouched, hurting your application process. The best way to avoid this is to keep referring to the question as you begin writing.


We use cliches so much in everyday language that it's natural for some to enter your essay.

When that happens, try and find a way to rewrite the content and put an original spin on your point. It may help you craft some of the most creative sentences in your essay.

Trying to Impress

Often, our default position is to try and impress - whether that's an interview, an essay, or a first date.

But there is a reason people always tell you to be yourself. Genuine expressions in an essay will strengthen your work. It's often noticeable when writers attempt to use an essay to overstate their accomplishments.


Always proofread your work. There are lots of online grammar checkers that can help you with this. You should also do a manual proofread.

You Miss a Conclusion

You may become so engrossed in your essay that you forget to wrap up with a conclusion. An essay needs a start and a finish, and those final words must end with a punch.

Use that last paragraph to say something memorable so your words remain in the reader's mind.

Spend Time on the Revision Process

When you've put your heart into writing a fantastic essay, it's tempting to leave it alone. Yet, like any great novel, it takes the ruthless mindset of an editor to make that essay perfect.

Revising your work will polish your writing. You need to check the structure and ask whether your argument is coherent.

Always read your essay out loud to ensure the writing flows. Remove unnecessary sentences.

Finally, get feedback from those you trust. That could be your favorite teacher, a parent, or a friend. Ask someone who can provide an honest opinion and constructive criticism.

Other Ways to Get Noticed

Don't forget that you are competing against many other talented peers. Always ask yourself: how can I make this essay stand apart from everything else?

One option is to talk about unique projects you've undertaken. You may have something you've done that's highly unusual.

Use that to your advantage by including it in your essay.

You could try using alternative storytelling techniques. A non-linear timeline can be exceptionally effective when it's done well. Writing from an unexpected angle is also helpful in making your writing stand out.

A sense of humor is also a brave addition with high rewards if you get it right. You'll need to show true rare wit and originality if you choose that route. But it will certainly help your essay be more memorable.  

Writing the Best College Essay

A college essay presents you with a life-changing opportunity. Remember this as you begin writing, and use the tips in this guide to help get it right.

The most important lesson to remember is to write in your genuine voice and let your strengths and personality shine.

By joining the Honor Society, you can further improve your chances of achieving that academic dream. Find out more about what our organization can offer to you.