Pi Gamma Mu Rating, Reviews and Requirements. Is it worth it?

What is
Pi Gamma Mu?

What are the requirements to be in Pi Gamma Mu?

  1. Undergraduate Student Members — Any undergraduate student who attends a college or university with a Pi Gamma Mu chapter and who has completed at least 37.5 (thirty-seven point five) percent of the total hours or credits required to graduate for his/her degree may be invited to membership if he or she meets the criteria specified in these Bylaws and chapter requirements.

Criteria includes:

  • Completion of at least twenty semester hours/credits in the Social Sciences as specified in Article 1, Section 4 of these Bylaws. The faculty sponsor shall have wide discretion regarding which courses with significant Social Sciences content will count. Transfer and dual credit hours in the Social Sciences, accepted by the institution, may be considered once a student has completed one full-time quarter or semester at that institution, home of the chapter from which membership is sought. having an average grade of "B" or better in all Social Sciences courses. 
  • Ranking in the top 35 percent of their respective class.  
  • Students need not have a major or minor in the Social Sciences to qualify for membership.

What is the history of the Pi Gamma Mu?

In April 1924, Dr. Leroy Allen, head of the Economics Department of Southwestern College in Winfield, Kans., met with his economics students.  During this meeting, the attendees decided that an economics honor society should be started.  Each member donated 25 cents to cover postage for a mailing to other colleges across the United States, encouraging them to participate with Southwestern College in starting an honor society.  The theme of the honor society was soon changed to include all of the social sciences.

 As of the summer of 2010, Pi Gamma Mu was among the most innovative honor societies in providing service in a timely manner.

What are the key benefits of being a member of Pi Gamma Mu

  • Each initiate receives lifetime membership, an elegant membership certificate, a membership card, a lapel pin, and online access to the society journal, the International Social Science Review (ISSR). 
  • Headquarters encourages students to present their excellent research papers at Pi Gamma Mu conventions.  Presenting a paper can help jump-start students’ desire to pursue a graduate degree—and Pi Gamma Mu will often help pay for some of their travel expenses. 
  • Pi Gamma Mu offers a scholarship program in which student members compete for funding for graduate school. Every year, they present three scholarships for $2000 each and seven scholarships for $1000 each, for one year of graduate study. 

Based on the information, here is our review:

 Our first observation is: that this society is nearly 100 years old, which is a testament to its ability to withstand changing times.

Our second observation was: that while there are many business honor societies, there are few that tend to focus on a specific category within the field of business, which Pi Gamma Mu has done. 

Our third observation was: that Pi Gamma Mu was recognized for their innovation in 2010, which makes them even more unique in terms of business honor societies.


Pi Gamma Mu Rating, Reviews and Requirements. Is it worth it?

 Pi Gamma Mu Rating, Reviews and Requirements. Is it worth it?

Pi Gamma Mu Rating, Reviews and Requirements. Is it worth it?
