Company Type

Jul 31,2017

We all have dreams, hopes and desires. In order to be a successful adult in the United States a person must first have some kind of moral standard and a good job. Our moral standards are typically shaped by the life experiences we have as children. The good job we obtain is reliant upon having a good moral standard and the ability and action to seek the seemingly impossible. Confidence, perseverance and self-esteem all stem from a good moral standard. Regardless of whether or not we come from a good family who taught us strategy and moral standards it is up to us to choose to seek out the life we want and deserve.

Do you know your perfect career setting? As you continue to work part-time while you look for a permanent opportunity consider these factors.

Do you like working for small, mid-sized or large companies?

Small, non tech-based companies that require completion of college courses. Small companies typically consists of one to fifty employees. There’s always alot of work to do but alot of independence given by bosses in the means of completing the work. It is assumed and tests are given in order to know that the candidate has the knowledge to complete the position requirements beforehand.

The first day of work may consist of telling the new employee about main initiatives, goals and objectives of the company and particular department. The director may give this direction and let you provide input as to your ideas in how certain tasks should be accomplished. After the initial meeting you may have weekly meetings with the director and other staff about your progress on projects. It is your choice (approximately fifty percent of the time) to check in with your boss. However, the boss is not likely to be standing over you every second of the day correcting your work even when it does not need correcting.

Is this the work atmosphere for you?

Large, non tech-based corporations where most jobs do not require a college degree. These positions tend to be related to retail or the food industry. We all know that these two industries are the leading provider of first jobs with McDonalds being number one in that mission. In the economy that we still live in many of us are having to revert back to retail in order to have a single job. If you are one of the few people to be offered a management position in retail after college or are considering management positions in the retail or food industries learn  these facts.

Ask about a college intern program. These types of companies are extremely based on talent and promoting friends. It is more likely that someone who does not have a college degree but who has been friends with one of the bosses and working for the company for a number of years will be promoted to a manager position before you. How can you position yourself for a management position as soon as graduation is over? INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS.

Call the large retailer you are interested in. Find out if your management professors have a professional connection with a retailer. Do you really want someone your age who does not have as much training as you being the boss over you? Think about it.

The above statement speaks to my beliefs about the poorly-executed nature of many big-box retailers and food companies. However, you need work experiences until the job you want opens up.

Find out what type of job fits you. Read management articles that describe company-size and personality fit. Always stay employed as much as possible.


Wishing You Much Blessings,



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Company Type

 Company Type

Company Type

Company Type

We all have dreams, hopes and desires. In order to be a successful adult in the United States a person must first have some kind of moral standard and a good job. Our moral standards are typically shaped by the life experiences we have as children. The good job we obtain is reliant upon having a good moral standard and the ability and action to seek the seemingly impossible. Confidence, perseverance and self-esteem all stem from a good moral standard. Regardless of whether or not we come from a good family who taught us strategy and moral standards it is up to us to choose to seek out the life we want and deserve.

Do you know your perfect career setting? As you continue to work part-time while you look for a permanent opportunity consider these factors.

Do you like working for small, mid-sized or large companies?

Small, non tech-based companies that require completion of college courses. Small companies typically consists of one to fifty employees. There’s always alot of work to do but alot of independence given by bosses in the means of completing the work. It is assumed and tests are given in order to know that the candidate has the knowledge to complete the position requirements beforehand.

The first day of work may consist of telling the new employee about main initiatives, goals and objectives of the company and particular department. The director may give this direction and let you provide input as to your ideas in how certain tasks should be accomplished. After the initial meeting you may have weekly meetings with the director and other staff about your progress on projects. It is your choice (approximately fifty percent of the time) to check in with your boss. However, the boss is not likely to be standing over you every second of the day correcting your work even when it does not need correcting.

Is this the work atmosphere for you?

Large, non tech-based corporations where most jobs do not require a college degree. These positions tend to be related to retail or the food industry. We all know that these two industries are the leading provider of first jobs with McDonalds being number one in that mission. In the economy that we still live in many of us are having to revert back to retail in order to have a single job. If you are one of the few people to be offered a management position in retail after college or are considering management positions in the retail or food industries learn  these facts.

Ask about a college intern program. These types of companies are extremely based on talent and promoting friends. It is more likely that someone who does not have a college degree but who has been friends with one of the bosses and working for the company for a number of years will be promoted to a manager position before you. How can you position yourself for a management position as soon as graduation is over? INTERNSHIP PROGRAMS.

Call the large retailer you are interested in. Find out if your management professors have a professional connection with a retailer. Do you really want someone your age who does not have as much training as you being the boss over you? Think about it.

The above statement speaks to my beliefs about the poorly-executed nature of many big-box retailers and food companies. However, you need work experiences until the job you want opens up.

Find out what type of job fits you. Read management articles that describe company-size and personality fit. Always stay employed as much as possible.


Wishing You Much Blessings,
