Washington DC: I came, I saw, and I would definitely do it again.
Jul 23,2015
Before going on the Honor Society Org Washington, DC Trip I was not very connected to my fellow society members, except for some comments I received on my blog posts. In reality I was not very involved doing the minimum in order to be part of Honor Society Org, all this changed when I went to DC. After the trip I can say three things; I gained knowledge, met some amazing people, and made life long memories.
Saying I gained knowledge is a huge understatement. Every day was jam packed with tours at new and exciting places, starting the very first day we were out and about Washington, DC! My favorite tour had to be at Mount Vernon, there was so much history in every turn. The tour of Mount Vernon began inside the house of President Washington. Twisting and turning inside of this perfectly preserved estate we saw history in every corner, from the back porch to President Washington's study. I loved it so much I sent an email to them asking if they had any interships available (keep your fingers crossed)! Even though the tours were great, I learned outside of them as well. All the people I met on the trip had new and interesting ideas I had never heard before.
So when I say I met some amazing people I meant it. Everyone on the trip was from somewhere different, all across the globe! I kept telling my friend Amanda I met on the trip, "I think I have learned more from you than on the tours!" I became so close with some of the people on the trip that we are actually planning on meeting up again so we can have a reunion! The best part of everyone on the trip, being Honor Society Org members, is that they all have the same vision as you to achieve success and become the best we can be. The connections are limitless inside of this Society!
I will never forget my time in Washington DC - whether it was everything I learned on the tours or the laughs I shared with my new life long friends. The constant pictures, walking, and bus rides were not only worth it but I am so grateful to have gotten the oppertunity to partake in them. Being part of an organization such as this one has been so rewarding and enriching. I can honestly say because of this Society I have grown as a person and I would recommend any one who asks. So if you are reading this article and are questioning going on the next Honor Society Trip - DON'T - take action and go for it. You will be so glad you did.