How to engage with the Community
Jan 12,2016
In 2015, launched Elevate the online magazine as a way for members to engage with each other on a deeper level. Elevate serves as a platform for students to gain writing and publishing experience, get more exposure, and connect and engage with members around the world.
The key to making this online community, one that is made up of the brightest and hardest working students, is for each member to be engaged and active within the community. The more engagement, the more valuable the experience becomes.
One of the best ways to engage in the community is to not just post your own articles, but to comment on the articles written by your peers. When you comment on these articles, you will not online help grow the community, but you will see that your articles will start to gain more visibility. Commenting on a person’s article gets them to notice you and is one more way in which they can start engaging on your articles as well.
Be helpful and engaging
When leaving comments on an article, it’s important that you are helpful and engaging. A helpful comment is one that either elaborates on the topic discussed or explains your reaction to the article. You can continue engagement through your article by asking the author a question. It’s important to remember that this is a supportive environment. If it’s a comment that you wouldn’t want to see below your article, then it’s a good idea not to post it on someone else’s.
End with a question
A good way to create and build up engagement on your own article is by ending the article with a question. At the very end of your article you can ask questions similar to the following:
I’d love to know what you think, comment below and share.
What did you think? Would you…?”
Do you have experience doing this? If so, share your experience below!
Reply to comments
Once you have started to notice an increase in engagement on an article that you have posted, it’s important that you are replying to all of the comments on your article. By commenting on the article, you are continuing the cycle of engagement. You are also acknowledging the person who took the time to read and comment on your article which is a sure way to encourage them to continue commenting on your future articles.
If you’ve implemented these strategies and still feel like you’re not getting the engagement you desire on your articles, ask yourself if you’re providing unique high quality content. Are you sharing something that can’t be found elsewhere, whether it’s your perspective or a unique story? When you find your niche that allows you to stand out, more people will discover you, share your article with friends and family, and you’ll see the engagement grow.